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更新时间:2018-11-10 来源:广东作家网

13-Yiorgos Chouliaras【希腊】.jpg

伊奥格斯·乔利亚斯,希腊作家协会主席,诗人、散文家、小说作家和翻译家。他出生于塞萨洛尼基,在从都柏林回到雅典之前,大部分的工作和学习时光都是在纽约度过的。曾经从事大学讲师、文化机构顾问、通讯记者和希腊大使馆新闻顾问。2014年,他凭借打破常规回忆录形式,按字母顺序撰写的《记忆字典》及该作品全面性获得了雅典学院奖。除了被收录在诸如《哈佛评论》、《爱荷华评论》、《笔耕不辍》(Ploughshares)、《诗歌》(Poetry)、《全球当代文学》(World Literature Today)以及《现代欧洲诗人选集》(Modern European Poets)等各大主流期刊和选集中,他的诗歌作品也被翻译成多个语种,在包括保加利亚、克罗地亚、法国、意大利、日本、立陶宛和土耳其等国家发表。

 Yiorgos Chouliaras is a Greek poet, essayist, fictioneer, and translator. In 2014, he was awarded an Academy of Athens prize for his alphabetical anti-memoir Dictionary of Memories and his work in its entirety. His poetry in translation has been published in major periodicals and anthologies, including Harvard Review, The Iowa Review, Ploughshares, Poetry, World Literature Today, and Modern European Poets, and in Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, and Turkey among other countries. Born in Thessaloniki, he studied and worked mostly in New York, before returning to Athens from Dublin. He has worked as a university lecturer, advisor to cultural institutions, correspondent, and Press Counselor at Greek Embassies. He has been elected President of the Hellenic Authors’ Society.