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更新时间:2018-11-11 作者:阿拉扬·穆萨·穆斯塔法 ( 约旦 )来源:广东作家网






约旦作家穆罕穆德·拉哈(Mahmoud Rahal)出版了一本名为《我曾在中国》的书籍,穆斯塔法·卡莎曼出版了一本名为《在中国的土地上》的书籍,阿玛勒·波切科出版了名为《中国三角线城市之旅》的书籍,阿玛尔·阿·阿木提和易卜拉欣·阿·萨瓦尔共同出版了名为《约旦人眼中的中国》的书籍。







The Literary Creation Under Globalization Background

Elayyan Mousa Mustafa (Jordan) 

Globalization  has emerged a  rapid improvement of the means of communication which influenced the spread of literature throughout the world in many important ways. Globalization also shows diverse methodologies and perspectives in expanding research into the relationship between different literary aspects; where educational and cultural differences persist across social contexts. Privacy is important to understanding globalization in terms of literature. As in general, globalization can be described in literature as highly useful, but it depends on the individual's attitude, perspective, values and priorities.

The effects of globalization have also placed great emphasis on literary works throughout the world. Globalization and related processes, but interact with local communities with the aim of responding to opportunities for exchange and development of literature between countries. So that the means of social communication provided by the possibilities of translation for writers to see literary publications in their own language without the need for translation services. Globalization has allowed individuals and groups to interact in global space and transcend political and geographic boundaries.

Thus, we understand the historical experience of the Silk Road, which has had an impact on the cultural exchanges between China and the Arab Nabataeans. Petra, which during the Greco-Roman era was the center of the main convoys with China throughout the ages.

To this day we have witnessed a cultural exchange between China and Jordan represented by the Union of Chinese Writers and the of Jordanian Writers Union, where mutual visits have had a great impact on the orientation of Chinese and Jordanian writers to  the culture and literature of the Chinese and Jordanian sides.

For example, in 2014, the Jordanian Union hosted a delegation from the Writers' Union of China. Where they visited The Royal Palace and the Silk Road Cultural Initiative was launched at the Royal Palace.

Also in 2015, The Jordanian-Chinese Writers Unions   had held joint activities  with the Union of Chinese Writers (the Jordan-China Cultural Forum  )The launch  of  the Silk Road Cultural Initiative. There were also works and writings on the Silk Cultural Road by Writers and Members of the Jordanian Writers Union. This is a first step that needs follow-up by translating all the works from both the Chinese and Jordanian sides.

The Jordanian author Mahmoud Rahal,  has published a book entitled  I Was in China, and the  writer Mustafa Khashman, who published In China Land, and the  author Amal Burchek, who published A Journey to the Cities of the Triangle of China, and writers Omar al-Armouti and Ibrahim al-Sawair, published China with Jordanian Eyes.

During the visit, the Jordanian Writers and Writers Union in the city of Xi'an carried out the Silk Road, where the Silk Road was traced from the first point of the launch of the Silk Road commercial caravans in Xi'an. The Jordanian delegation stopped at a large wall sculpture representing an Arab convoy of camels in the true size of the convoy. In the meantime, the Silk Road Cultural Initiative was launched from that  historical site in Xi'an. 

A committee to implement the provisions of the Silk Road has been set up with the Chinese side. Its mission is to revive the historical dimension connected with the Jordanian-Chinese relations, develop cultural relations between the Chinese and Jordanian writers, monitor the history of the Silk Road geographically between Arabs and China in particular and promote joint cultural production in all literary aspects; in addition to the  exchange of translation between the two unions and the organization of joint activities within the Silk Road cultural initiative . 

In 2016, the first Jordanian-Chinese Cultural Forum was held in cooperation with the Federation of Writers of Guangdong Province under the patronage of the Chinese Ambassador to Jordan (Ban Wai Fang) at the headquarters of the Jordanian Writers Union in Amman. The vice president of the Guangdong Provincial Writers Association, Zhang Zhigan, head of the guest delegation to Jordan, highlighted the cultural landscape in the People's Republic of China in general and Guangdong Province in particular, speaking about the latest literary achievements of Chinese writers. He also expressed his interest in translation and knowledge of Jordanian literature.

In 2017 the Jordanian Writers  Union  hosted the Union of Chinese Writers and  set up  (The second Jordanian-Chinese Cultural Forum) under the patronage of Ambassador (Pan Wai Fana) The guests  had visited  Petra(the seventh wonder of the world)  and the Romanian cities in Amman, Jerash and the archaeological and national museums. The Chinese delegation was given the opportunity to learn about the culture of some Jordanian customs and traditions related to hospitality and popular cuisine. Arts, folklore heritage and crafts.

One of the most obvious manifestations of globalization between the People's Republic of China and the Arab world, especially Jordan is the  Chinese culture and Arab exchange.

This is why the two sides have embarked on a wide cultural exchange by sending students to study the two languages, establishing cultural centers and expanding training courses. The most recent of these was the opening of a Chinese-Jordanian university in Jordan.

In the end, I and all the members of   Jordanian Writers Union believe that literature  will be known to all peoples and nations,  similar to  music  as a universal  language of  mankind.